Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy VD, y'all

Sure, the [vinyl] original featured Henley on harmony vocal, but this is not a bad version.  Kenny Edwards, on bass, passed away August 2010.   I think this footage is from a few months before I saw her at DCCC in early December '76.  That's Andrew Gold on piano ( Lonely Boy, Thank You for Being a Friend ).


Anonymous said...

I know your knowledge of music is greater than mine but at least embrace something from this century. Its bad enough having to picture you harmonizng with G.A and P.P (prob A.H. also).


p.s. quit stalking me on other blogs

an Donalbane said...


an Donalbane said...

Dewd, even though you got the participants right, there was no harmonizing - they knew who was singing lead! And besides, they were so awestruck/tripped out by the groovin' concept I was layin' down, man - can you dig it?

What are you talking about, music from this century? Everyone knows that there has been no good music since the master engraving stylus for records wore out, um, a long time ago.

Lastly, I wouldn't have to go to other blogs to 'stalk' you if you'd, like, ya know, get your own blog and put it out there - then I'd have a nice convenient place to regularly stop by and insult you. You should be grateful for the coverage - remember the marketer's mantra: All publicity is good publicity!

Dew - The Man:The Myth

Also, you should have prefaced your comment with "Forgive me, El Guapo,..."