Monday, December 31, 2018

Something's missing

As of this writing, the federal government is partially shut down. Perhaps it's something that should be made permanent, or possibly even expanded. In any event, we have in the past two years witnessed a near-complete deadlock in the body politic, as each 'side' rejects out of hand any ideas advanced by the other.

I'm not of the opinion that government should be evaluated by the quantity of legislation produced - we're [mostly] all familiar with the comparison regarding the manufacture of sausage and laws. And, in many regards, it may be preferable not to have any new nitwittery added to the federal register. But, if that be the case, why not eliminate substantial portions - and the attendant expenses - of the dog and pony shows that play out on Capitol Hill?

In selecting the above clip, I also found this one, which - I believe - failed to chart:

Catchy, huh?

Note: I'm not sure where Alexa got her lyrics, but the second verse, per the Dylan webside, starts thusly:
Too much of nothing
Can make a man abuse a king
He can walk the streets and boast like most
But he wouldn’t know a thing

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