Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pimp THIS ride...

Sometime last week, Todd the Blogger posited that he would like a Mercedes 600 limousine that he was going to purchase from money he found in the median, selling plasma and aluminum cans, or something like that.

I think he found it on Craigslist, after Libyan strongman Muammar (you decide how to spell his last name) decided to downsize his limo fleet.

Anyway, I wished him well, and even volunteered mutual goofball friend Dewey to be his chauffeur, on his sober days.

I don't know if he was able to negotiate the deal on the Benz, but if that one falls through, I found a backup, that with just a little work and a $199 paint job from MAACO¹, could just do the trick:

¹ As recommended by the Interwebs' own Chupacabra!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thats my summer home!


el chupacabra said...

Aha- that little cream puff is close to home!