Monday, March 21, 2011

Tall in the saddle

Over at BITYSD!, Todd the Blogger ran a piece about spending one's windfall on two-wheeled transportation and firearms.

Rogue commenter, cad, and wanna-be badboy Dew quickly took up the gauntlet, and voiced approval to a rig featuring a howizter, Gatling gun, sidecar, and a Tommy Gun, that transforms into an alien and can be stowed in a Corolla.  Dew is full of immaturity youthfulness like that.

Now, readers, I present a more thoughtful approach to the confluence of light infantry and two wheeling:

While most would opt for the standard 1873 Colt or one of its clones, my preferences would be an 1875 Remington, a Bisley, or a Schofield, not necessarily in that order.


Anonymous said...

You lost me at an alien transformer with guns!!! I am now breaking into a fresh box of crayolas and drawing said contraption. I will probably even skip recess!

Dew.....ew look something shiny..

an Donalbane said...
