Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Note to self

Despite knowing better, and having possibly the best collection of motivational books outside of Half Price Books, I've somehow allowed myself to wallow for a bit in self-pity. Oh, I go out to the pub with friends on trivia night, and, although I don't dance on the table (truthfully, I usually nurse a single beer - those specialty brews are not cheap - for the evening), I'm most times the liveliest member of our group. I go to church on the weekends, and show up when they need help for special events. Sometimes, infrequently, I'll attend another church as well, where I know lots of people. I smile at strangers in the grocery store, start conversations with people I don't know. 

Yet most of the time, I keep my own company. I'm tuned in to the news, monitor a handful of blogs, and frequent some Youtube channels about tools, aviation, guitars and music, and engines. As noted before on these pages, I consider myself an 'extroverted introvert' - it's not an ordeal to be with people, in fact I enjoy it, but being a hermit is my inertial state. 

After listening to Brad Barton's forecast, I deemed it safe to take an early morning bike ride, and figured a sausage biscuit wouldn't hurt since I generally eat responsibly. Getting the 'senior coffee' was a plus. As I sat down to eat, I noticed the sky had darkened and the wind had picked up. The weather that was deemed unlikely at 7:00 a.m. had arrived about four hours early. After waiting for the downpour (and lightning) to subside, I started back home, joyfully singing along with my Bluetooth speaker in the drizzle. And I thought to myself, "this is living!"  

This song came to mind: 


This song was next on Youtube when I looked up the TK song. I've not heard it for years, but it seemed appropriate in context of what's going on in the world, so I'm posting it also. 


It's well past Memorial Day, but thank you to all the Pvt. Andrew Malones.

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