At a sales training session last week, I related an object lesson I'd taught my daughter the week prior. If you're
Todd the Pastor Blogger, you may want to tune out about now.
It seems that a week earlier than that, I'd stopped by the local Kohl's after Saturday evening church to update my work wardrobe. I was specifically looking for some putty-colored (oyster - for my
fashionistas, Advocate readers, and Dew) easy care slacks. Finding none my size in that color, I did happen across some dark tan (taupe, if you're keeping score) microfiber plain front slacks, on sale for $21.99. Reasoning that a similar pair I already had were showing their age, and too tired/lazy to use the fitting room, I proceeded to the checkout, where I was able to play the scratch-off discount lottery to get an additionl 15% savings - just for using my Kohl's card,
which is not even in my ex-wife's name.
I got home to find I had a 30% off coupon on the front table, but shrugged it off as no big deal.
The following week, Daughter and I were returning from the big mall north of the big airport. I just happened to have my 30% off coupon with me, so we stopped in the Kohl's in the town where the rich people live and shop. I was immediately delighted to find that they had the exact style and size of putty-colored slacks...but they were no longer $21.99. I glanced at the 30% coupon in my hand - it had expired mid-week.

Nonetheless, I summoned a passing saleschick, asking if I could speak with a manager or assistant manager. Within half a minute, it was arranged. I explained - truthfully - that I'd shopped for just such a pair of slacks the prior Saturday, purchased a similar pair, and would've purchased these if they'd been at the store near my house. I asked if she could match the prior week's price, as well as honor the expired 30% discount.
I was not shocked that she agreed with my request without hesitation - Kohl's does a very good job of customer service, even if they're not so good at purging ex-wives who never lived at your new address from their mailing list. And in just a couple minutes' time, I had saved about 50%, or enough to buy us an average dinner at Chili's.
The lesson I gave to my Daughter, and later to the sales class, was:
You don't get what you don't ask for.
Driving to work in the pre-dawn the other day - radio off - I wondered if there were other hidden deals, where a bountiful cornucopia awaits behind a metaphorical Monty Hall's door #3, just for the asking.
The answer was perfectly clear - yes! Hiding in plain sight.
Riches far greater than anything Messrs. Kohl and Hall can offer - no coupon (expired or not) or spinning wheel required to redeem - the discount has already been prepaid for you and me, waiting just for us to claim it. It doesn't take a multi-year PhD degree plan, a 12-step course, six video lessons, three box-tops, a shower & a shave, or negotiating with 'The Banker' to claim.
It's there. It only takes asking for, and accepting, the Gift. The Gift that awaits every man, woman and child.
Face it - you're not on Monty Hall's list to receive any gift. Eventually, Mr. Kohl may drop you from his list, too. But from the beginning of time, until the end, you
are on God's list.
Will you ask for it? Have you asked for it?