Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Eagle and the Hawk

Well, actually, the squirrel and the hawk.  (I was going to insert a clip of Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr.'s - better known as John Denver - Eagle and the Hawk here, but couldn't find a good one on the YouTube).

As I was making breakfast this morning, daughter calls me to the back deck to see something.  A squirrel was gnawing on a horse or cow skull I'd brought back years ago from a Wyoming hunting trip.  (No, we don't have a skull altar like the Arizona nutbag who shot the Congresswoman and several others.  It was just something in the back yard.)  Anyway, the squirrel was chipping away at bits of the skull.

"Do you know why he's doing that?"


"To get calcium in his diet and to sharpen his incisors."

At just that moment, a small hawk or owl swooped down from about twenty feet away, only narrowly missing the squirrel, which found cover in/on a nearby red oak tree.

"Daddy, why did the hawk try to get the squirrel?"

"To get some protein in his diet."

Between events yesterday, daughter and I stopped into Central Market.   I don't normally shop there, but had been looking for some Nori snacks that are said to inhibit absorption of fat in the diet.  Anyway, we had just made our way through the produce maze and into the main chamber when a terrible racket arose - whooping and hollering, banging and clanging of pans.

A few seconds later we saw the source of the mayhem: A Mardi Gras parade, comprised of what appeared to be nearly every employee in the store, was winding its way through the aisles.  Festooned in costumes, with shopping carts and work carts decorated as floats, the revelers passed out beads and candy.

So, here's what a Mardi Gras fallow deer looks like:

"For he's a jolly good fallow..."


SLR said...

Seeing as how you amassed some beads, we must assume you exhibited your..., um.., wares, in true Mardi Gras fashion.

aroundthecorner said...

I was thinking the same thing, except the wording was a lot different!

todd said...

I understand they gave him extra beads for leaving his clothes on. I won't make any comment to your reference of "nutbag".

Kathleen... said...

What a GREAT exchange between you and your daughter!! Terrific! And that was a lucky squirrel...;-)

RPM said...

It's the circle of life, Simba.