So, I ruminated on this a bit. In a half-century of living, I have to admit my understanding of foraging had to do with animals in the wild, and wild west festival suttlers selling reproduction War Between the States forager's belts, pictured below:

Or, perhaps a Confederate soldier's forage cap:
This WWII Russian forage cap caught my eye:
Anyway, thanks to the Dew, I was able to expand my understanding of the concept of foraging to a whole new level, even doing some interweb research on the subject.
Excerpted from the 54 volume boxed set Wiki-pedia:
There are many versions of optimal foraging theory that are relevant to different foraging situation. These include: ...Central place foraging theory, which describes the behavior of a forager that must return to a particular place in order to consume its food, or perhaps to hoard it or feed it to a mate or offspring...
Important contributions to foraging theory have been made by: ...Sir John Krebs, with work on the optimal diet model in relation to tits and chickadees;...
Hey, this could be more interesting than I thought...
I just thought you should be more worried about where your next meal is coming from. As I have proven in the past, I ain't that deep(but I am wide).
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