Monday, June 28, 2010

Doogie gets married

Over the weekend, I learned from the intertubes that Doogie Howser, J.D. got married.

Now, I thought I was gonna be all clever and stuff, and say that now that Doogie's married someone else, maybe Winnie Cooper is available.

Danica McKellar a/k/a Winnie Cooper

Until, that is, I remembered that she was from The Wonder Years, another show altogether.  [All: "Another show..."]

And found out she got married last year anyway.

Pre-emptive edit: Yes, I know there are racier pictures of Ms. McKellar, but I'm running a family-responsible blog here...

Oh...and congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Howser...

1 comment:

YM said...

They're so cute together. I hope they enjoy a long and happy marriage and that this is FINALLY the last Mrs. Green.