Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brief bits

  • Had to install word verification - the spam comments were coming in over the transom, and I don't need any C.alis, Vjagra (their spelling, not mine).
  • Daughter learned to ride a bike this week.   We rode about 6 miles yesterday.
  • One segment was along a golf course fairway.  About 25 yards away, a golfer teed up his drive.  As we continued riding, we passed a copse of indigenous trees, between us and the golfer.
  • "Thwack!"  After waiting three or four milliseconds, I 'stage-shouted' a muffled "Ow!", to sound like I was farther away.  Daughter, who was ahead of me, asked if I was OK.  "Yes."  "Oh, were you just faking, then?" "Yes."
  • Saw a woman in some jeans that looked like a whitetail deer.  The back of the jeans had a couple of narrow panels either side of the centerline that were slightly lighter denim than the rest.  I wasn't close enough to smell if she was also wearing Eau de Doe.  Anyway, the gal wearing them was kinda cute, 40-ish.
  • Later, we stopped at a playground.  As Daughter climbed the rock wall, I sat on a park bench, joined by some soccer moms. 
  • One was a ringer for Jennifer Garner.  When her two-ish son came over to the bench, she asked him if he wanted something-or-other.  "No!", he said, growling, stomping his foot, hitting her on the knee, and hurling his sippy cup to the sidewalk, as Mommy pleaded "Collin Richard¹, please don't act that way."
  • I've got a big picture of that relationship as he gets older.
  • Guys - Here's what happens when your wife goes to that class reunion.
¹ Not the actual name she used.

1 comment:

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Confusing women with deer....hmmm....Dew, for the sake of all that's Holy, get this man a date!