Saturday, October 29, 2016

My Saturday Clothes

  • I had a dream the other night that a woman approached me in a public place - her identity was unclear in the dream, but I was given to understand that I knew her - knelt down, and asked if I would marry her.  I then bade her stand up, and I got on one knee, and said it would be my honor. Weird, I know.
  • I guess I'm a stickler for traditionalism, even asleep.
  • I related that dream story to a female co-worker.  She agreed she could picture me doing that (even if the predicate premise was far-fetched).
  • Next year will be a decade I've been on my own, maybe my subconscious self is trying to send me a message, that it's ready - if I can find an honest woman.
  • Kind of like finding a unicorn, huh?
  • Gonna leave that one to God.  My picks haven't worked out so well.
  • I know some folks go to church hoping to meet someone.  I'd like to meet a woman who would attend church with me.
  • On my day off this week, I voted and got my flu shot.  In the end, it came down to voting for the clown instead of the criminal, such was the dismal choice this year.  I did not vote straight ticket (I never have).
  • Not looking forward to the time change next week.  With my work schedule, it won't really give me any time for doing outside work.
  • Tried a new brand of melatonin last night, with vitamin B-6.  More actual melatonin than the last batch, but no chamomile or valerian root.  I don't think it worked so well.
  • From the re-runs file: Another familiar voice on an ancient sit-com.  Was listening to the Andy Griffith show, when I heard a very familiar voice.  When I looked at the TV, I saw that the role of Bert Miller was played by Sterling Holloway - the voice of Winnie the Pooh.  Oh, bother...
  • At work, I'm very focused and energetic.  At home, not so much.  I kind of  'leave it all on the field', so by the time I get home, I feel drained.  I need to get a personal secretary to keep me on task at home.
  • One of my co-workers reminds me of Papa Hemingway in his late years.  I saw this article today.
Not my co-worker, but close...
  • A while back I mentioned a job I took for a couple of weeks early this year, and that it had been posted 4-5 times since I left.  This week I noticed that the position above it had gone vacant, as well.  I had no issues with my boss, can't help wondering if he also decided that workplace was irredeemable.
  • Probably a good thing I'm not the pastor.  I could've totally illustrated tonight's sermon with Henley
  • I bought an inexpensive Cabernet Sauvignon yesterday.  It will be uncorked tonight.  New melatonin or not, I think I shall sleep well.

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