Saturday, July 17, 2021

Approach with caution

From the pictured cover, you would assume the album was If You Could Read My Mind.

You'd be right. Sort of.

See, when Reprise first issued this GL album, it was titled 'Sit Down Young Stranger'.

Now, SDYS was a fine song and all, but IYCRMM was a breakout hit. Reprise didn't want record (that's vinyl to you, sonny) buyers to miss this, so they re-titled it to correspond with the hit tune.

It was Lightfoot's sixth recording, and remains his top seller. One of the very best of the singer/songwriter genre, it's extremely listenable, including a cover of 'Me and Bobby McGee', rumoured to have featured Kris on harmony vocals. Additional musicians included Randy Newman, John Sebastian, Ry Cooder, and Van Dyke Parks.

Now you know...the rest of the story.

Oh, and yes, of course my copy has the original title.

1 comment:

TommyBoy said...

That shipwreck song is my fave & I also like The Downeaster Alexa by Billy Joel -- they sorta set the same mood.