Saturday, October 31, 2009
Volleyball Jones Pickers?
I think Henley probably intended the title more figuratively than what these guys depict.
Edit: I originally went looking for the Eagles' version, but the only video I could find was either bootleg concert footage or a photo-montage of Eagles stills, many dating back to the Desperado shoot.
Having come of age pre-MTV, I find that music videos often pale in comparison to the theatre of the mind of one's imagination, especially with material as well written as Henley's. He was, after all, an English major at NTSU. Go Mean Green!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A Father's Love: Hurry Home
Just in case the allegory isn't fairly obvious, note that Mr. Carroll's father was a Baptist preacher.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lost in Translation
But, as one who has more than a bit of knowledge of the hospitality industry, what it's really saying is "This is the next-to-last lodging property in the United States not owned by someone named Patel."
Would you believe...?

But, would you believe The Last P & Z Member of Scotland?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Airshow '09

If I could, I'd buy my son this airplane...
Hey guys, launch the little planes from the dixie cup!
Not exactly deer hunting.
I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Now here's some good news...
Episcopal School of Dallas 14
Cistercian 31
As our 30th class reunion was this past summer, some of us decided to get together for a pre-game party on campus at one of the football games. Since one of our classmates is now a department head over at ESD, this seemed like as good an opportunity as any.
One brought a shrimp & artichoke salad, another brought desserts, another drinks, and I, representing the Western sensibilities, brought The Donald's Famous Beef & Turkey Chili Con Papas y Cebollas, and an electric skillet full of various bratwursts.
No one went away hungry, but I did manage to have just enough leftover chili to garnish my ham steak and eggs over easy for breakfast this morning.
Life is good.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
I don't know why - it just came up in The Truth Project class last night.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Attention readers!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
I did it!

Anyone for a Pic-a-nic, Boo-boo?

Halloween is near...
I guess these were designed to be tornado-proof living quarters.
But I couldn't help thinking it would be funny to paint them orange for Halloween.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A stern warning!
Harsh, but effective, I bet!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Feelin' old
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Plans back on track
It did.
Not knowing if the rifle had been properly sighted in, I shot at the 50 yard range. The extreme spread shown is 2.625". If this grouping had been at 100 yards, I'd be very pleased. As it is, I was having some difficulty getting a good sight picture with my eyeglasses, fading daylight, and the fixed 4x scope. Nonetheless, the rifle appears to be capable of greater accuracy than the person firing it.
Recoil was very tame. I was shooting some necked down .308 case loads that came with the rifle. The reloader's notes indicated that the 75 grain hollow points had been chrono'd at 3400 f/s. Since there were some incipient neck cracks (possibly because the reloader didn't anneal the cases during the sizing/seating operations), and because I have enough actual .243 headstamped brass, I won't reload these cases.
As Denney Crane noted in the prior post comments, small calibers, with the right load and accurately placed, can take a wide range of game animals. And although I've yet to hunt with this particular rifle, I can attest to the fun of uncasing its diminutive stable mate in deer camp, to the hoots of wannabe macho men (with their .338 Win. Magnums, or Weatherby this or that), and returning back to camp the following evening with one deer and one empty cartridge. One shot, one kill.
Next time, I may try a higher power scope than the Weaver K4 (or wear my contact lenses). I think a fixed 6 or 6.5x would be just about right, but will probably just mount an inexpensive 3-9x variable on it.
Note: No poodles, or canines of any kind, were harmed in the testing of the rifle today.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Plans gone awry
(Remington Model 660, a/k/a the poodle-shooter, .243 Win.)

(a poodle, supposedly related to the canine family)
My aspiration for today was to take the poodle-shooter to the range to see if I could make it put holes in paper at 100 yards. I purchased said poodle-shooter nearly three years ago and have yet to fire a shot through it - it is very similar to one I had as a kid, with which I shot my first deer and turkey. (Its stable mate, in 6mm Rem., purchased about 15 years ago, has served well - I've taken a whitetail and a Sika deer, each with one shot, and my oldest son shot his first deer, also with one shot.) Unfortunately, there was a match going on at the range, and even though it didn't require all the lanes of fire, there was no open shooting.
Maybe next time...
Editorial note: The author of this blog has never shot any poodles and does not advocate the shooting of poodles. The term "poodle-shooter" is simply a derisive, or in this case, self-deprecating, term for a small caliber rifle. Shooting of Paris Hilton-style dogs, if you can call them such, is a topic open for discussion, subject to the constraints of your conscience, applicable game laws, and local ordinances.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Let's start with Letterman. Never have been a huge fan, but he doesn't irritate me like Conan. Lots of hubbub lately about his dalliances. Interestingly, I guess since he's in the entertainment biz, the feminists are not atwitter about his bagging a staffer. My perspective is that while he's seemingly said the 'right' things about being sorry for letting his employees down, and his wife, he's been silent about this being a moral failing. Just not au courant to discuss morals, I suppose.
Jon & Kate? Did this guy have a job
The guy who secretly video'd Erin Andrews. What a scumbag! I mean, I certainly can understand the motivation - she's a knockout babe. But is there no respect for the privacy of another person? Maybe it's related to the notion that we no longer discuss, dare I say, morals, in public anymore. Gotta keep that kind of antiquated concept bottled up in the churches and such, don'tcha know?
OK, maybe I can eke out ONE rave: A Dallas jury found former councilman Don Hill guilty of ethics & bribery violations.
It's a start...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kincaid's Schmincaid's!
As I was working diligently today, I found myself, through wind and rain, in the vast metropolis of Weatherford. Since I was smack-dab in downtown, I did the right thing and dropped into Yesterday's, just off the square, for a club sandwich and a brownie. If you've never tasted their bread, you haven't lived. Great food.
Later, as I was trying to thin out the freezer at home, I found an Angus beef 1/3 or 1/2 pound patty, which, with a couple of dollops of leftover lamb chili I'd made last week, colby-jack cheese, tomato and onion, made a mighty fine burger - hence the title to this post.
Author Finally Gets Proper Funeral
OK, if you ask me, it seems perhaps more of a PR stunt for Baltimore. But, it is the 200th anniversary of Poe's birth, and, in this economy, maybe any celebration is a good thing.
Now, as I understand it, there will be many re-enactors of Poe contemporaries taking part in the funeral, and John Astin (he of the Addams Family) will be master of ceremonies. The author's actual physical remains are not being moved from their burial place.
I think it would be cool, though, to do a mock burial under some floor boards (The Tell Tale Heart) or perhaps an entombment behind a wall of stone (A Cask of Amontillado).
In pace requiescat!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What's Old is New Again
The scene is The Tonight Show. No, not him. Not him either. The real one, with Johnny Carson. Circa the late '70s, maybe early '80s.
[The late, great] Ed McMahon, handing Carnac an envelope (hermetically sealed, no doubt, in a mayonnaise jar since noon that day on the front porch of Funk & Wagnalls'): "The envelope, O Great One."
[The late, exceptionally great] Carnac, deadpans to camera, then holds envelope to forehead: "Eight is enough."
Ed McMahon: "Yes, [guffaw], eight is enough!"
Carnac raises an eyebrow, then with much fanfare, opens the envelope: "According to Roman Polanski, what is the age of consent?"
Ed McMahon, underscoring: "Eight is enough, [guffaw]."
An excellent video
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
- Proverbs 12:18 (New International Version)
Lord, may I always remember to think before I speak...
Edit: Thank you to Todd the Blogger for locating through an online concordance scripture that I could not.