Saturday, February 13, 2010

Use what works

In addition to playing with the Snow Dog yesterday, I had to go to the supermarket to get some celery for the stew I was making.  While there, I perused the gun magazines, hoping to glean some useful nugget o' information that I did not know previously.

In one of the magazines was an article by Mike Venturino, a honcho in the Cowboy Action Shooting movement. The premise of Mr. Venturino's essay sort of echoed yesterday's post by Todd the Blogger in that he advised Cowboy Action enthusiasts that it was OK to use for self-defense the same firearms that they use in their sport - the rationale being that they're already proficient with them and there's not really a need to go buy the latest (this next quote from TtB) "target pistol or a bear-slayer. It doesn't have lasers or adjustable carbon fiber diode gas-impinged night sights."

He's right, of course.  Except that, when it comes to guns, fishing gear, knives, motorcycles, cars, trucks, boats, and power tools, we're just as helpless as wimmin-folk with a Lord & Taylor or Sanger Harris sale flyer.

Fortunately, I have the Kryptonite to combat this proliferation of all things fun - abject poverty. One tends not to over-indulge on toys when one is running low on funds.  And I've long since weaned myself from plastic money.

Still, if I had free cash flow of, say, $1100, it would be tempting to follow Mr. Venturino's advice with a self-defense rig right out of the '70s - the 1870s that is.

Smith & Wesson No. 3 Break-top revolver

Jeeves, bring me the next John Wayne DVD...


todd said...

You could conceal it under your duster.

an Donalbane said...

And I would...