Saturday, March 20, 2010

Field of Dreams

   I went south last night and did something I haven't done in about 30 years.  It was way fun.

   OK, Dew, you can stop reading now.  Or at least stop thinking that.

   I took the kids (well, two of them anyway) to the Brazos Drive-In in Granbury.  It was their first time at the Drive-In movies.  The titles weren't spectacular: Alvin & the Chipmunks - The Squeakwel, and Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, but they were enjoyable family fare.  We took a couple of zero-gravity lawn loungers, put a huge double sleeping bag over them and set a cooler where we could reach the sodas and strawberry Whoppers and Runts and Dots.  And popcorn, for the second feature.  Even though we brought our own sodas and some of the candy, we still spent over $20 at the snack bar on hot dogs and nachos and such.  You know, health food.

   Between the snack bar on our right, and our car with open windows to the left (radio tuned to 89.1 FM), the sound quality was pretty good, though obviously not what you'd get in an indoor theatre.  But the evening was great - our dog was curled up under our loungers (her leash attached to the vestigial speaker post, and we were snug in our sleeping bag under the stars (a lot clearer & brighter than in the Metromess), with probably 150 or so other families.  It would've been easy to imagine it was 1975, or 1965 again.

   I hope I don't wait another 30 years to do this again.


Anonymous said...

If the playgroung under the screen doen't have a teeter-totter, then I'm not going!!!!


David H said...

That sounds awesome, good for you exposing your kids to good old entertainment of the past. Seems like the days are likely numbered for drive-in theaters across the country. I too took the family to the Brazos years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it!