Sunday, May 9, 2010

Joe the Plumber

AOL recently interviewed Sam Wurzelbacher, better known to most folks as "Joe the Plumber".  Admired as an everyman, ridiculed as a rube, he became a political football in the 2008 Presidential campaign.

More recently, he was elected to the Republican Party committee in Lucas County, Ohio.

Here are some excerpts from a phone interview he granted:

If you could host a dinner party with any four people, living or dead, who would you invite?  Robert E. Lee; he was a man of honor. Abraham Lincoln; I always wanted to know what his plan was for reconstruction; George Washington, just because I admire the hell out of him. And round it out with Jesus Christ. He's both living and dead.

Which animal do you most identify with?  I never thought about that. I've got a big, beautiful lab at home that I love more than life itself. I guess I'd have to go with a dog.

If you could be buried with one memento, what would you choose?  Being a Christian I don't think about that stuff. I'm not going to have it in heaven so it doesn't much matter.

What's always in your refrigerator?  Ice tea.

Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life?  If he was alive, it would be John Wayne. I'm a big Duke fan.

You walk into a room with 5 other people in it and realize you're the smartest person there. Who are the 5 other people in the room?  Pick any five congressmen.

What's your biggest fear?   That I fail to teach my son the right way.

If you could punch one famous person, who would it be?   Bill Maher jumps to my mind right away. It would be fun to lay that boy out. But I'd look like a bully because he's so much smaller than I am.

If you could live in some time other than your own, what would you choose?   Probably the 1800s, because men and women rose and fell on their own strengths. Government wasn't as powerful as it is now, and in America you could make it or not make it depending on your efforts and your work. Men held to their word. I like that kind of black and white.

What's the one thing you'd like to thank your parents for?   My faith. That's the best gift they ever gave me.

If you had to enter a talent show, what would your talent be?   I'm a pretty good shot, but they probably don't have talent shows for shooting.

Is there one piece of technology you could not live without?   Hell, brother, I could live without all of it.

I like the way this guy thinks!  Except for the Bill Maher part - I know he's being honorable, but there's millions of Americans who would love to see him deck the snarky little bastard!

For the full interview, click here.

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