Monday, July 4, 2011

And speaking of Independence Day

...or at least Old Glory.

I've written previously on these pages that I never wore the uniform of any of the U.S. armed services: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. I signed up for the Selective Service when I turned 18, and that was that. Like millions of other [then] young men during the Carter/Reagan/GHW Bush/Clinton years, I never got a call or a telegram.  (OK, by Clinton I was starting to be not young.)
The uniform(s) I did wear belonged to the Boy Scouts of America. When my sons were younger, I served as an Assistant Den Leader and later, Assistant Scoutmaster. No great sacrifice required, other than a bit of time and some desire to help build young men of good morals and character.

This evening on the AOL, I see a topical news piece about the use of the flag as clothing. Featuring Cindy Crawford, some chick named (?) Ke$ha, Lady Gag-Me, Julianne Hough (how could you?), assorted pop tarts, and some guys too - all dressed provocatively in some form of the Stars & Stripes.  I'm not sure if Will Ferrell qualifies as 'provocative' in his patriotic Speedo - I was just provoked to look away.  In any event, my collective assay of the article was like Dana Carvey's Church Lady: "Isn't that special?"

In the Scouts, it was an honor to be able to participate, on several occasions, in proper flag retirement ceremonies.  In very solemn fashion, we explained each element of the flag to those assembled as we prepared them for the fire.

The United States flag is sacred, and it's offensive to many when it's worn as clothing, or to sell soda pop, burgers, beer, or dirty magazines.  After all, is that what generations of American servicemen and women fought for?

Good question.

Now, let's go a step further.  What about flag burning (not in conjunction with the dignified flag retirement ceremony)?   Did warriors spill their blood so that nit-wit socialists, dope-smokers, and assorted wackos could burn the U.S. flag in the streets?

While maybe not specifically, I believe the answer is 'yes'.

Before y'all heat up the pitch bucket and grab a pillow, hear me out.

The flag is special, and I am offended to see it abused and bastardized,  but it's a symbol of the ideals we hold sacred.  The morons could burn a thousand flags in Thanksgiving and Sundance Squares, and those ideals would be no less powerful, their truth not diminished in the least.  Free speech and expression is one of those ideals.  Similarly, they could burn Bibles in the town square, but His truth is everlasting.

But, if they try to burn my flag, or my Bible, I'll kick their...


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could read your flag or wear your bible. See what happens then!?


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

While I understand your stand on the flag, don't you think that the enrollment in Cub Scouts would skyrocket if the Cindy Crawford pic was used for Scout recruiting?

an Donalbane said...

Well, Answers, I suppose it would, but, more to the point, maybe that explains what the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is trying to do to our country...

el chupacabra said...

Both burning the flag and wearing it as a Speedo are horrendously disrespectful (and probably illegal) but constitutionally protected.
Weird- but we can't have it any other way.