Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dating Doldrums with Dr. Donald

Occasionally I'll click on an online article about 'relationships', just to see if the other side is totally nuts, or, possibly if I am.  Today's article, by a gal named Jill Di Donato, has lists of qualities chicks look for in guys, and also, what she thinks guys look for in women.  Here's an excerpt, from the latter list:
  1. Is she promiscuous?
  2. Does she give another guy more attention than she gives me?
  3. Does she have a good relationship with her family? 
  4. Does she have her own sense of happiness?
  5. Is she intelligent?
  6. Is she overly jealous for no reason?
  7. Does she display good manners?
  8. Does she not answer my calls, especially at night?
  9. Does she put effort into taking care of herself?
  10. Is she an ethical person?
I guess that's a start - some are deal killers (promiscuity), others might not be so much on my list.

I'd also include "Does she text/call every five minutes?" When I was married, my wife would occasionally call me at the office with a question, but would always start with "Oh hey, I hate to bother you at work, but..."  The truth was that, in fact, it was never a bother, and I enjoyed hearing her voice.  I've known other guys whose wives call(ed) them incessantly and my brief post-divorce dating experience suggested to me that there weren't enough hours in the day to both work and respond to texts.

The online dating sites seem to be chock full of gals with all their girlfriends at every bar in town, usually displaying [I assume] fake gang signs and such.  Pass.
Another observation is that it's not so much women not taking care of themselves, but those whose wardrobes and cosmetic procedures would pay for a nice 4WD or a modest lake cabin, that would be a beat-down.  But women in frayed jeans and Metallica or Kenny Chesney concert t-shirts would also get a thumbs-down from me.

Some common interests would be be a plus: Antique refinishing, home DIY, boating, hiking/camping, travel, concerts, museums, shooting sports.  I don't really consider the ubiquitous "fine wine, dining, cuddling, movie watching" to be really interests - those are things to do after doing something else.  Don't know if I speak for all guys here, but would really like to find that biblical 'helpmate' who'll stand by my side and help as partner - and, yeah, I have learned in recent years and fully acknowledge that I would be  obliged to reciprocate (I, uh, may have lacked this latter insight several years ago).

Spontaneity - my ideal mate probably should have less of it than me, someone who'll reign in my crazier impulses.  But not a total stick-in-the-mud, either.

Well, there you have it.  Looks like no wedding bells in my near future.  Guess I can save some money by not having to buy a second clawfoot bathtub overlooking the lake sunset.

Oh, and on Cialis/Levitra/Viagra, too.

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