Sunday, August 30, 2009
Here he is again...

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
He's Everywhere!

Why do ya think they called it 'Animal House'?

Far out squirrel. Groovy, huh?
The year, 1977. After a revolt from the Pigs, Sheep and Dogs; Gilmour and Waters had no choice but to leave crasher squirrel on the editing room floor.
Am I afraid? You betcha!

OK, your 15 minutes in the Limelight are almost up, eh!
(Crasher Squirrel, not Alex Lifeson - Rush Rocks!)

And this is SquirrelVision, signing off!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Donald's Old Movie Reviews
Herewith, our picks:
- Roxanne - Steve Martin in fine form. [En voce Groucho Marx] And Darryl Hannah in finer form.
- Smokey and the Bandit - Hey, I said it weren't no Casablanca. Classic, campy Burt Reynolds, with a reminder of all that CB-speak we knew and loved in the, gasp!, '70s. Yeah, I remember how cool I thought the telephone-shaped [RadioShack] CB was in my parents' Fleetwood. Rollin' down I-45 to the San Jacinto Inn for dinner, talking on the phone. Wow, we were livin' large back then. Sally Fields, with a very cute tush (Dewey, Todd, or Shay - provide your own Boniva quips here. I run a classy blog here with an elevated level of discourse, so I must refrain. No, really, I must.). Actually, I preferred Sally Fields in Murphy's Romance, but, unfortunately, that film probably qualifies as a chick-flick. Oh, and Jackie Gleason turned in a pretty good performance.
- Last, but definitely not the least, Young Frankenstein - I probably hadn't seen this film since the '80s. From the film noire treatment (that's black and white to my less sophisticated readers - as though reading this blog was not sufficient ipso facto evidence of lack of sophistication - sophistry, sophomoric, yes/sophistication, ah, not so much), to the comedy genii of Wilder and Brooks. A tour de force cast performing farce at its best. I don't know how the heck you could work with Marty Feldman and keep a straight face (alas, he left us in 1982 at the too-young age of 48. Much too close to home). And Teri Grrrr. I said, Teri Grrrr - lovely. The only troubling thing is, and I keep wondering, if I go buy some Monster Energy drink, will it, um, boost my Schwanzstücker? Oh, one more. I can now correctly place all of Mrs. Terra Mako's references from the movie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mmm, Bacon!

Now that's just downright seductive, huh?
Disclaimer: The preceding photos were "borrowed" from Denney Crane or Landshark's blog - I don't quite remember which at the moment.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Squirrel Crasher...

The following photos are, predictably, faked, or photoshopped. It pains me that I got this from BSG's blog, but, hey, if the material is good, you're not supposed to complain where it comes from.
So, enjoy.
Update: I had to think about posting this one, but decided that our Lord probably has a sense of humor and would like it. Regarding the WWII pic, I'd have used Mt. Suribachi at Iwo Jima, but that's just me. I also think the pop-up varmint would've been funny on one of the steps of Marine One as R. Milhous Nixon famously gave the 'V for Victory' just prior to leaving the White House Lawn for the last time.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lame motorcycle designs

(Me, before shaving my head and going to bed with my upper torso wrapped in Rogaine and Saran Wrap - just ignore the autograph.)
Word has reached the editorial staff here at Sonnet 116 that Lorenzo Lamas, he of Renegade fame (?), is launching a line of custom motorcycles, leveraging his, um, image from the '90s TV series. (Yeah, based on that show, I went and bought a Yamaha Virago, which sat in my garage for five years, much to the chagrin of the former Mrs.).
(Take that on a road trip, Todd the Blogger)
Now, I don't mean to poke fun [excessively], but, looking at the drawings (not even prototypes), I have to say they're lame. The clean, spare lines of the 'Reno Rocket', above, are æsthetically pleasing, but who in their right mind would want to ride that thing with their tail feathers mere inches from a fat chunk of spinning rubber?
Maybe the line should be called Lorenzo Lâmass Cycles...
Journalism Twits
This morning I read a tagline stating that Ford was unveiling a 45th Anniversary Mustang - Named for Famed '80s Businessman. OK, a 45th anniversary 'Stang sounds cool, so I clicked on the article, thinking "When did the blue oval start naming car editions for famous businesspeople?"

Well, it seems the "'80s Businessman" is none other than one Lee A. Iacocca, former Chrysler CEO, Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation Chairman, iconic pitchman, responsible for the acquisition of the Jeep brand and development of the K-cars, diabetes research patron, and former President of Ford Motor Company, and a driving force behind the introduction of the Mustang in 1964 (becoming President of the Ford Division later that year).
But, from reading the article, you'd never know any of that - he was just some '80s business dude. Current J-school grads wouldn't know Abe Lincoln from Abe Vigoda...
Friday, August 7, 2009
The New Me
Therefore, I present the new me:

h/t: DenneyCrane
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Don's Movie Picks
The first was Eddie Murphy's Imagine That. The boys didn't really want to join us

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