Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bits and Pieces...

So I get a call this morning.  I didn't recognize the number on my cellphone, and before I could answer, the caller was gone.  The caller ID was apparently masked.  I tried to do a reverse number lookup, to no avail.  Then I noticed I had a new voicemail message.

"Hey, give me a call!"

So, I thought I'd call this joker and explain that he'd dialed the wrong number.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Who is this?"




"I'm sorry, I still didn't understand you. Say again?"

"Don, it's Dewey!"  (Aside: At this point, I could've said "Dewey who?" just to have some fun.  But, truth be told, I had been concerned about the chap as I'd not heard from him in awhile, though I'll deny it to the ends of the earth.)

"Oh, hey, sorry about that.  The new cellphone with the new carrier - I couldn't transfer my contacts over from the old phone.  What's up?"

Well, what was up was that he was calling to explain to me that he wasn't going to take the bait from my post about the 'inflatable party zone', even though I'd emailed him the post after he failed to comment in the first couple of days.  I told him, of course, of my disappointment over his not fulfilling his role as comic foil to my brilliant jest.  He remained unmoved and unrepentant.

We proceeded to talk about this and that, whether Todd the Blogger had completed his move to the WC, and in due course I found that I needed to return my attentions to earning a livelihood.

But a while later, I texted the Dew to remind him that if he would not enter willingly into the web I'd carefully spun, I'd simply have to make up something from whole cloth.

We'll see what happens...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just figured you old age had caught up to you!
