Sunday, January 11, 2009

Calling my CBA friend

No, your eyes don't deceive you (unless you're that Andre guy). I'm calling upon my Chronic Book Addiction friend (aka Todd the Blogger), to see if he's read "The Shack".

While at the Sam's Club today, I was perusing a copy of "The Love Dare" when a fellow passed by and saw me reading it, noting "That's a good book". I replied that I'd seen the movie, to which he responded that I should try the book as well, telling me that he'd purchased it and was halfway through the 40 days. Exposing my unadorned left hand, I explained that it had come out a few years too late for me. He caught my drift and indicated he was trying to avoid the same fate. He said he also wanted to read "The Shack" upon completion of his 40 days. He wished me well going forward, as I did for his completion of The Dare.

Anyway, anyone out there read "The Shack" and have any comments?


todd said...

Sorry, Dude, no Shack. I'm a few days into the Love Dare (and 6 other books) but I don't know anything about the Shack. Let me know.

an Donalbane said...

Your response just gave me a strange thought - if the two books were combined, would you get the B52's "Love Shack"?

David H said...

Yes I've read the Shack. it has caused quite a stir, I've heard my church and other churches are holding discussion classes on it. I found it to be a good read and I had trouble putting it down, but I've heard others have trouble with the rather "abstract" representation of the holy trinity. If you have children, there is an aspect of it that's hard to deal with, without giving too much away...