Sunday, October 2, 2011

Come as you are...

The sermons at my church are always good.  Today's was a tour de force.

Todd the Blogger has many times told the story of an old cowpuncher who moseys into the Lord's House, only to told as he leaves that he needs to clean up before he returns.  This is repeated a time or two, culminating in an elder or deacon or usher or such reminding him: "Hey, didn't I tell you to go home and talk with God about the way you're coming into this house?"

The punch-line, of course (and Todd tells the story much better than I), is that the old guy replies: "Yep, sure  did.  He says He's never heard of this place."

I think that anecdote would've felt right at home at about the 28:15 mark in the video:

ALL IN: We Are Soft on the Edges & Strong in the Center from Keystone Church on Vimeo.

1 comment:

todd said...

As I was talking yesterday about the serpent tempting eve, I related this story about that same old cowboy: He goes to his insurance agent wanting health insurance. The agent asks the old cowboy if he had any accidents last year. "Nope" was the reply. The agent said,"You didn't get sick or hurt or anything last year?" "Well, I got bit by a rattlesnake. That laid me up for a while." The agent said, "You don't consider that an accident?" "Nope", said the cowboy. "Pretty sure he did it on purpose."