Thursday, February 26, 2009

Public Service Announcement

I've had a bit of time on my hands lately, so I've become a regular donor at the Carter Bloodcare Center. Not for sale, mind you, just whole blood donations every 8 weeks or so.

After a couple of reminder calls, I stopped by and gave this week. The technician who inserted the tube was not quite as adept as those I've had in the past - it was uncomfortable the whole time. And the tech who removed it allowed blood to squirt on my slacks just back from the dry cleaners.

Nonetheless, I recognize there are people out there in need, so I do my part.

I hope you will, too.


Anonymous said...

Way to go! Put a little more of The Donald out there in the world.

Don Dodson said...

I've given more than 10 gallons, and never had an experience like yours. Don't give up on them. Most of the time it is fast and easy with just a momentary pinch.

todd said...

49 donations, 9 gallons and never had a problem like that. Ask for somebody else if you're not comfortable with the phlebotomist.

an Donalbane said...

Wow, you guys! You've given enough to fill a bathtub, or for a Wes Craven film.

My hat's off to both of you...if I wore a hat.

Yeah, I'm going to keep going. Next eligibility is in April.